Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome people! Hand in hand and to know more
about us


Personal armored vehicle combat What did the Armed Forces doing in their 64 Anniversary 2009 at Sidoarjo East Java Indonesia. They held exhibition to show the Sidoarjo people that Armed Forces had enough force to defend Indonesia country.Captain Infantry Gathut Setiyo Utomo as the Commander of District Military Command at Sidoarjo had an idea to held united exhibition, with Navy, Police, Army and Air Force. They hand in hand together to make people to be near with them. People tend to blame that Armed Forces are not strong enough to defend Indonesia country from others country attack, especially terrorist, bomb threatening and criminals attached

Are you ready police? For highway patrol.
There are many Armed Forced equipment exhibited at the moment, as Armored vehicle, landing craft, bomb tame, and the Robot that be created for Bomb tame. There is special robot that had been used for Noordin M. Top caught operation at Temanggung Midle Java last August. The Regent of Sidoarjo Mr. Win Hendrarso had chance to get in Armored vehicle from Pendopo to exhibition area and saw aero modeling show at town square.Children were from junior up to senior high school so eager to visit stand by stand for getting information and saw Armed Forces equipment. Personal armored vehicle combat has been created by Pindad Factory at Malang Indonesia also shown at the exhibition.

The Gegana.The Team of bomb tame
People and children could get in the vehicle combat, tour along the road in the Town Square. People and children never stopped visiting the exhibition from opening ceremony (October 6 2009 until closing October 9, 2009)What did the purposes and the meaning of the exhibition for the people, children, and young generations.1. Children and young generations become love to Armed Forced, perhaps some day they would join with them. 2. People and young generations would know how hard to be Armed Forced, as Navy, Air Force, Army or police. It needs sacrifice to defend Indonesia country from enemy. They would be full responsibility, if they would be.3. To be Armed Forces is honorable profession, needing sacrifice, endurance and passion. If they would be Armed Forced some day, they would love their country with all their body and soul.

The modern equipment guns
4. The exhibition shown how strong the Armed Forced in Indonesia. They have been equipped with a lot of modern equipment. 5. The exhibition shown, how clever and modern, people in Indonesia. They could make Personal armored vehicle combat.6. How the best strategies the Indonesia police had done so that Noordin M TOP success to be killed. People, children and young generations had got lesson from them. Thank to Sidoarjo Armed Forces. You are success hand in hand with people and stakes holders.
Few strategies of Sidoarjo Regency to decrease digital divide and
Achieve millennium Development goal


Crowded kids queque to see The information mobile
The largest gathering of world leader in the United Nation have decided final summit declaration in September of 2000. The 189 countries that have joined the declaration made specific agenda for reducing global poverty. The agenda listed in Millennium Development Goal.
One of the purpose that listed in Millennium Development Goal is promote gender equality and empower women. Indonesia government through women empowering Ministry try to gain Millennium Development agenda, following by all Regencies and Municipalities in Indonesia .
The mobile preformance

Sidoarjo as one of Regency in East Java Indonesia has dense populated almost 1.869.350. Women population higher than men population ( men 904.644 and women 964.706), has commitment, women must be empowered. The mindset must be changed from children to old women generations. The rural area that spread in 18 Districts, seem lack of infrastructure, telecommunication and far from town, make women is difficult to access information. Lack of information make women,
Lack of knowledge, because of this problem women have problem to educate their children at home.
They will be difficult to make progress in economy live.

The mobile infrastructure

Sidoarjo regency as the industry city that so near with East java capital city, Surabaya , created new innovation. Called Gender information mobile with few facilities as,
Internet access
Basic computer training
Audio visual
Puppet stage.
The information mobile will visit 356 rural area every year with complete facilities.
The Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) as one of popular Bank in Indonesia would support two mobile information again with complete internet access in the end of December 2009. This become Social Company responsibility to support poverty people.
The purpose of mobile information can be explained like below,
The specific purpose for women,
Improve women intellectual
To avoid general thinking that mother do not need learning.
Improve women creativity so that finally women can improve their economy.
Give entertainment to women.
Change women view for their family future.

The puppet show

The specific purpose to children.
• Improve the children interest to read much information.
• Improved the children discipline and responsibility
• Give entertainment to children.
• Improve children imagination
• Fulfill information
• Give modern view to children.
The final purpose, why mobile information created. It gives new view that information is needed every time. Information can change of people mind and get a lot of information, building networking, improved economy life and standard of life and change mindset people. The efforts that has been made by Sidoarjo Regency also help digital divide problem, faced by government that must be gained in 2015.
The functions of Internet Café for building cyber city
in Indonesia


The improvement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is very fast now days, especially Internet. People can use Internet whenever they wish, 24 hours a day, seven days a week without stopping. People around the world enjoy using Internet, including people in Indonesia . We can access a lot of information and data from Internet. People can learn and find every think easily from search engine, as Google, MSN, yahoo and others. But people in Indonesia are not as lucky as others people in the world. Indonesia has Digital Divide problem, especially for rural people, because of lack infrastructure, high cost internet access and human resources problem.
Town people with enough education can access information easily compare with rural people with limited education, so that impact to economy improvement in their life. Town people tend to have better economy than rural people.
Indonesia Government is sure that Information Communication Technology(ICT) can help their people from poverty and gain better economy. The Government said that people can improve their talent and skill through getting much information and access many opportunities.
The Indonesia Government has been creating Master Plan and doing every think for recovery the Digital Divide problem, as building and improving Palapa Ring, making regulation, decrease cost Internet access through policy, Ringing Village, Internet go to village, Internet go to School, Sub District on line program and Government e services.
Although the user of Internet in Indonesia have not been booming yet, but it must improve for the future. See the data of the Internet user in Indonesia , 25 millions ( 10,5 % population ), with dominant user from teenager ( age between 15 – 19 years old ). They always use services as, email 59 %, search networking 58 %, source from Department of Communication and Information Indonesia )
Indonesia dreaming to build and improving Cyber City , have to solve the Digital Divide problem. Solving the problem is not only search engine 56 %, news on line 49 %, blog 36 %, on line game 35 %. ( Data Government responsibility only, but the private sector and stage holders participation is important also. The Regencies and Municipality also take a part in this problem, as creating mobile car with Internet facility visits rural village, building ICT with people participation, free hot spot, Telecenter in rural village and others.
Government is sure through many breakthrough can make rural people getting education, skill and talent.
Others business sectors that can help to overcome this problem is Internet Café. Internet Café is improvement business for internet access business for people. The business usually build in town, near to campus, school and others facility business. New beginners in internet Café business are afraid to build the business in rural area, cause of lack infrastructure and lack of customers, but there are few considerations that the new beginners must not be afraid to start the Internet café business in rural area,
There are Pre Elementary school , Elementary school, Junior high school and Senior high School had been built by Government and Private sector. They need a lot of content from Internet for their study, including their Teachers. They are new potential customers.
The implementation of e Government tend to be better. There are many public services to implement on line, as Public Complain on line, Identity card register on line, License business register on line and others e government services.
The improvement of Industry Center for Small Medium Enterprises in rural area. They begin to know how to make promotion on the net.
The new Internet Café business, better combine with others similar business, printer services, typing computer services, training computer, and photo copy. To avoid failure business when the Internet Customers seldom come.
Give free training to people in order to get the new customers. Impossible the people come to Internet Café without knowing what the Internet is ? Trying to work together with Sub District Government or Women organization for free training. They are potential customers future.
Join the Internet Business Cafe Association in your area. Give suggestion to Association in order to work together with Government. So Government can campaign to people about the advantage and un advantage using internet.
Knowing culture in the village is better than nothing. Try to make commitment, not give porno video service and block all porno sites in order to make good image to rural people. Creating the good image that Internet can change their quality of life.
What is the link between Internet Café and Cyber City ? As if there is no link at all, but the entrepreneur of Internet café as private sector have much contribution for people around the Internet café, to change and improve the quality of people live, as talent, skill, human resource.