Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Electronic employers starting from collecting data base

By Erny Setyawati

The commitment of Government to their Employers, not only increase their salary,
giving health insurance and others facilities, but the Government employers
have to be loyal and give the best service to community as public service. Starting
to implement G to E or Government to Employers, based on electronic Government,
must be many challenges. The third party of Government begins to collect the
employers finger tips, electronic photo and correction the last Employers data
base. The Government will create electronic identity card for all employers
in Indonesia so that the card can be used multifunction. The Government hope,
the electronic card can be used, for getting salary from ATM. Getting health
insurance, debit card or saving card. Ideally, the Employers identity card can
be used for population identity also. So the Government not publish population
identity card any more.

The implementation of e Government may do step by step, because of hard challenges,
as lack of human recourses, infrastructure, culture and mindset.

Custom Search

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunset Policy for Small Medium Enterprise

By Erny Setyawati

Crisis financial Global not only effects to United States and Europe, but also
effects to Small Medium Enterprise and Big Companies at East Java Indonesia.
The prediction said that many factories would be collapse and stopped their
employers working next year. Small Medium Enterprises are proved that they are
strong enough to face crisis economy in Indonesia, include crisis economy global.
The Government is sure that Small Medium Enterprises can struggle and save from
crisis economy global. The East Java Government breakthrough for Small
Medium Enterprise
in 2008, besides giving soft loan capital, has Sunset
Policy. The purpose of Sunset Policy, give opportunity to entrepreneurs
and individual, not paying administration tax.

The policy only gives in this year for East Java people.

The tax obligators must have Tax Identity that called NPWP in order to get free
Administration tax. To get NPWP is very easy, because people can register on
line, called e Registration, http://www.pajak.go.id

The opportunity will be end on December 31, 2008 (at 12.00 at night)

The employers of Tax Unit campaign to as Small Medium Enterprise, government
employers and community. The people have to help government to success this
program, because tax is important income for Government.

The Government builds infrastructure, health service, education service and
paying salary of Government Salary through taxis.

The Small Medium Enterprises have positive respond to this program, because
decrease their burden in crisis economy global condition.