By Erny Setyawati
The improvement of Information Technology and communication make Regency and Municipality at Indonesia, tend to build ICT infrastructure and website. Almost 95 % of Regency and Municipality have their own site, few of them have been interactive, and the others only give information. The Government regulation from Department of information and communication (President Instruction Number 3, 2003) said that the first step to build E Government, the Regency and Municipality at Indonesia should improve their own site.
The Indonesia Government that still has digital divide problem, lack of infrastructure, high cost internet connection, beside mindset of people of Indonesia not internet minded.
There are many Regency and Municipality, like Malang Municipality, Surabaya Municipality, Kebumen Regency, Tarakan Municipality and KutaiTarumanegara Regency try to make breakthrough by giving internet connection free to people.
They use Hot Spot or wireless network so that decrease high cost infrastructure.
The people can access to internet connection freely at open area that have radius from hot spot location. Generally, the Regency and Municipality build the internet connection at open area near to government office, so that the people of middle class can use the facility freely. However, the East Java province joint venture with National Planning Department have made breakthrough by improving Telecenter at village that so far from town.
We appreciate for all the Regency and Municipality have done, but we should face the reality that the price of desktop computer or laptop is still expensive. The people are hard to go to free access at the open area, because of not having laptop. The area is opened without facility, so that people are lazy to go there, nice to go to internet café with 3000 until 4000 rupiah. The others problem, the bureaucracy mindset have not changed yet, not all of them can use computer although only users. So, what is the solution? Perhaps the solution just like below;
1. The Regency and Municipality have many Districts in their area. We can build hot spot for internet connection freely at the District that spread around near area. The Districts Government give few laptop to be used freely by people.
2. The Municipality and Regency improve the quality site content, especially for public services, transparency and give the opportunity to people to participate in making public decision.
3. Give opportunity to third party to build ICT infrastructure through transparency of tender.
4. Improve District bureaucracy mindset in using ICT so that can give balance information to their people.
5. Campaign ICT function to people regularly.
6. The state Government through Department of Communication and Information and Province Government to create regulations that motivate Regency and Municipality in order to participate to improve ICT for people.
7. Campaign to investors in order to participate to improve ICT at village.
8. Decrease the high cost of internet access.
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