Monday, April 16, 2007

Moving bus with drive thru fasility

One roof payment services for car and motorcycle tax

By Erny Setyawati

E Government grows rapidly after the state government launched the President instruction number 3, 2003 about the e Government regulation. The regulation helps the Regency and municipality pursue their dream to implement e Government.
Generally, the regency and municipality implement Information Communication Technology for public services supporting, because the Government has tree function, Government to citizen (G to C ), Government to Business (G to B ) and Government to Government (G to G). The main function as Public Services, the East Java Province has becoming pilot project for public services at Indonesia since 2005. Based of the reasons above, Regency and municipality at East Java eager to use ICT to support public services. The Samsat office is example for implementation of e Government.
Car and motorcycle taxis are become the best support for incoming at East java Indonesia. They create how to make easy to customers for paying taxis. The Samsat or Sistim Pelayanan Satu Atap ( One roof public services system office) that joint venture between Dinas Pendapatan Propinsi Jawa Timur and Police institution.
The Samsat office that gives services to people live at Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik and Mojokerto make people easy to pay taxis without care where they pay. They give services by drive thru system. They use the big bus to give services to people with ICT supporting that on line to main offices. Therefore, the customers just give identity cards (KTP) and motorcycle or car identity (STNK) for paying taxis. It only takes a few minutes to process.
The customers just wait for a few minute in the car and go away without difficulties.
The information about Dinas Pendapatan Jatim, you can access on here:
There is also short message info that creates for people are familiar with cellular phone. You will get information about:
1. Motor police number
2. Car ad motor model
3. Type and trade mark
4. Made of year
5. Color
6. Limited date payment
7. Motorcycle and car tax
8. The cost for changing belonging car, motorcycle
9. Payment statues
10. Jasa Raharja Insurance
11. KB Samsat.

The short message also gives information when the limited time, you should pay the taxis.
Although, the payment taxis can not do on line, through internet, but the Samsat receives BCA debit card, visa and master card at Location payment.
The eagerness to implement e Government for public service at Samsat, can help improving public services at government.
Although e Government implements step by step, but the reality can help to make easy government services, transparency and cut bureaucracy.

Technorati Profile

Erny is freelance writer in a few Electronic Magazine, include that give her much experiences in English writing.
She is so familiar with English language although English is foreign language at her country Indonesia. She has been writing on line since 2004 although began to write off line since child. Realize that writing become her passion, she creates Bali Global Market Ezine that you can visit here:
Bali Global Market give information about Internet marketing solution and tips and strategies to be success on business on line, international business focus, guiding for new comers for home business and others interesting business on line information. She also writes tourism at Indonesia, especially Bali. “I admire Bali Culture and Hindu religion, although international culture come there without stopping”, she said some day. They can keep them purely. Let’s visit our Bali tourism on here:
Based on her experiences as local government employer that handles Information Communication Telecommunication ( ICT ) at Sidoarjo local government and to be writer on line almost for three years, she begins realize that ICT have important function at her country. The digital divide problem, the high cost internet connection and the lack infrastructure to support ICT, purse her to write the improvement of e Government at Indonesia. She is sure that implementation of e Government can force the State government to publish transparency good regulation.