Public Library gets many visitors becaus of ICT
By Erny Setyawati
The growing of Public Library visitor goes significant because of Information Communication Telecommunication implementation. The innovation to implement ICT came when the World Bank give chance to Sidoarjo regency to participate competition to get founding. Sidoarjo regency become the winner and get the founding and improve the ICT infrastructure.
The Sidoarjo regency with 1.500 more population grow to industry regency because of many big factories and Small Medium entrepreneur. The entrepreneurs and students are so familiar with internet technology although the digital divide still becomes important obstacle. Growing of student mindset and international schools make Sidoarjo Regency need internet café and public education, especially ICT.
Realizing that Public Library become education center of Sidoarjo , so the Regent decided to make internet café and Library public service support by ICT.
The Public Library that visited almost 250 visitors a day should repair the service, because the service is essential for customer’s satisfaction. With the World Bank founding, the Sidoarjo Public Library can give services,
1. The customers can find variety of books by computer system, without manual catalog that difficult to find.
2. The customers that majority are students, almost 60 % women have chance to learn many literature, language, mathematic and science through VCD and DVD and computer interactive.
3. Internet café with low cost price than others internet cafes at Sidoarjo.
Have opportunity to learn ICT and to choose the program with talent instructors. All free without cost.
4. Give service quickest than before, because of ICT implementation, like use barcode tool, member card, find the books rapidly.
5. The future, the ICT implementation must improve to service on line, like to order some books from internet connection so that people freely from cost of transport, just to borrow some books.
6. There is a facility to learn English that grow to community that called Delta English Club. The club progressive to make program and invite native speaker to practice English.
7. There are almost 20.000 collection book and grow to bigger.
Although the Public Library grow to excellent service, but still need donator to come in order to support some books and ICT infrastructure, because the Public Library is center of education service that give service without paying.
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