Few advantages of phone cellular in Developing countries
Digitaldivide becomes serious problem at Developing country. Limited telecommunication
lines, high cost slow connections and lack of skills on ICT use, lack of regulatory
framework and limited IT budget, make e government and e business have internal
and external barriers. Improvement of phone cellular investors in developing
countries make government, business people find alternative. The problems of
e government and e business implementation, find solutions now.
The users of phone cellular in developing countries (almost 75 %), make Banks
and government use mobile banking and mobile government for alternative. Few
countries success to implement mobile service, as Philippine success to use
SMS for population certification service, Germany success to use service mobile
office, Singapore success to use SMS public service, example passport, tax payment service, Indonesia success to use e Banking for entrepreneurs service.
The quickest phone cellular technology and cheapest than internet technology in developing countries, make Government, banking, businesses activities change to phone cellular. Few advantages that phone cellular give for public service and business,
1. Pooling / Voting,
You can use pooling / voting in phone cellular, for survey customers. You will know what your customers want from your products and services.
You can use voting for general election and public aspiration (Government)
2. Announcer,
You can use announcer function in phone cellular, for new products campaign
(for business and banking)
We can campaign public services, commodity distribution information and campaign of government activity.
3. Auto responds info,
The entrepreneurs can give a chance to their customers to use auto respond info, ask new products in details, and before decide to buy.
People can ask to government how to get birth certificate, identity card, tax payment info and others government services.
4. Auto respond cascading,
People can register to get credit card, open account in the Bank. Register to get birth certificate, passport, identity card and others public services (Government)
View blog top tags
technorati tags: phone cellular developing country digital divide telecommunicationl ICT e government ebusiness mobile bangking . mobile government SMS philipine germany mobile office pasport internet poolinggeneral election public aspiration, announcer respond cascading
lines, high cost slow connections and lack of skills on ICT use, lack of regulatory
framework and limited IT budget, make e government and e business have internal
and external barriers. Improvement of phone cellular investors in developing
countries make government, business people find alternative. The problems of
e government and e business implementation, find solutions now.
The users of phone cellular in developing countries (almost 75 %), make Banks
and government use mobile banking and mobile government for alternative. Few
countries success to implement mobile service, as Philippine success to use
SMS for population certification service, Germany success to use service mobile
office, Singapore success to use SMS public service, example passport, tax payment service, Indonesia success to use e Banking for entrepreneurs service.
The quickest phone cellular technology and cheapest than internet technology in developing countries, make Government, banking, businesses activities change to phone cellular. Few advantages that phone cellular give for public service and business,
1. Pooling / Voting,
You can use pooling / voting in phone cellular, for survey customers. You will know what your customers want from your products and services.
You can use voting for general election and public aspiration (Government)
2. Announcer,
You can use announcer function in phone cellular, for new products campaign
(for business and banking)
We can campaign public services, commodity distribution information and campaign of government activity.
3. Auto responds info,
The entrepreneurs can give a chance to their customers to use auto respond info, ask new products in details, and before decide to buy.
People can ask to government how to get birth certificate, identity card, tax payment info and others government services.
4. Auto respond cascading,
People can register to get credit card, open account in the Bank. Register to get birth certificate, passport, identity card and others public services (Government)
View blog top tags
technorati tags: phone cellular developing country digital divide telecommunicationl ICT e government ebusiness mobile bangking . mobile government SMS philipine germany mobile office pasport internet poolinggeneral election public aspiration, announcer respond cascading